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The St Germoe Fabric Trust

THE ST GERMOE FABRIC TRUST  Charity Commission Number 1057430

The St Germoe Fabric Trust was set up in May 1996 by the late Harold Matthissen (pictured) and members of the St Germoe Parochial Church Council.  This is a perpetual charitable trust set up with the objective of maintaining the Church of St Germoe, its cemetery and Church Hall in perpetuity. 

The Church is a Grade 1 listed building of great historical interest.

The Vicar and Churchwarden are ex officio Trustees and four additional Trustees are elected annually from the Parochial Church Council, two of whom serve as Secretary and Treasurer.

The Trust is supported by parishioners (some of whom are not regular churchgoers) either by plegdes or one off donations.  All donations to the Trust are welcomed and are  invested to increase the annual income from which grants are made to the PCC. The PCC is very grateful for this as major works have been undertaken which otherwise would not have been possible.

One of the Trust's major projects was the total refurbishment of the Church Hall which is available to the Church and for hire by the local Community and other interested parties.  In the church istelf the main walls have been repaired, re-plastered and lime wahsed.  The Trust also gives grants for the upkeep of the closed churchyard and open cemetery, payment of utility bills and general upkeep and running costs of the church.

If you would be interested in helping The Trust and would like further details please e-mail germoe@westkerrierbenefice.org.uk


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